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Meet Maddie! She is probably one of the sweetest people you will get to meet and we are happy to have her as an employee. You can learn more about her by reading out interview!

1. When and where were you the happiest?

  • On stage for the ballet. Its such a great feeling to be doing what you love and being able to share that with an audience. Also, I love reading and baking! 

2. You are such a talented ballet dancer! When did you start dancing and do you see yourself continuing in college?

  • I started taking ballet classes when I was three years old. I definitely see myself continuing dancing for as long as i possibly can!

3. What are some of your favorite lines that we carry at the store?

  • I love Blu Pepper. That's probably what I wear the most of. And then of course, Krochet Kids is an amazing brand! 

4. How would you describe your style?

  • Very girly! I love dresses and bows, I'm such a girly girl. 

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

  • In college, hopefully. I love English so maybe I will be studying that or maybe I will be in a ballet company.

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